“Sooragan,” directed by Sathish Geetha Kumar and produced by V. Karthikeyan, unfolds as an intriguing investigative crime thriller. The narrative revolves around a young, former cop played by Karthikeyan, who delves into the mysterious disappearance of several girls and the crimes surrounding them. As the plot thickens, it unveils shocking revelations and connections with influential figures.
The movie boasts well-executed action sequences, with Karthikeyan delivering a commendable performance. Subiksha leaves a lasting impression, adding depth to the film. However, the dialogues fall short of their potential, leaving room for improvement. The editing, while generally effective, introduces moments of disconnection between scenes, disrupting the overall flow.
One notable strength lies in the extensive cast of seasoned character actors, enhancing the film’s credibility. Vincent Asokan’s fitting portrayal and Nizhalgal Ravi’s charismatic performance contribute significantly to the movie’s appeal.
Despite its merits, “Sooragan” faces criticism in the screenplay department, with the execution lacking the precision needed for a more seamless narrative. The film could benefit from tighter scripting to enhance the overall viewer experience.
In conclusion, “Sooragan” offers a gripping crime thriller experience with commendable performances and intense action. While it falls short in certain aspects such as dialogue and screenplay execution, the film’s strengths lie in its talented cast and compelling storyline. It’s a worthwhile watch for fans of the genre, but those seeking a flawlessly crafted narrative may find room for improvement in certain areas.