Plot Synopsis:
The film opens dramatically with Priyanka Thimmesh narrowly escaping an attacker in her home, only to be struck by a car while fleeing. Raghu (Srikant), a compassionate man, rescues her and brings her to his home after she undergoes surgery for amnesia. Meanwhile, a diligent cop (Harish Peradi) investigates the accident, suspecting Raghu’s involvement.

As Priyanka grapples with her forgotten past, unsettling discoveries emerge, raising questions about Raghu’s identity and her own safety.


Compelling Plot with Retro Execution:
While “Forgotten Memories” boasts an engaging storyline ripe with suspense and action, its execution feels reminiscent of 80’s filmmaking. Despite this, the director skillfully maintains intrigue and momentum throughout.

Inadvertently Comical Dialogue:
Certain moments in the film, particularly when Harish Peradi converses in English alongside another character, inadvertently veer into comical territory. This detracts from the overall tension and seriousness of the narrative.

Captivating Climax with a Twist:
The climax scenes inject a fresh, kinky theme into the plot, culminating in a seductive song with risqué lyrics and choreography that sets the stage for a pivotal revelation. These moments add an unexpected layer of intrigue to the story.

Strong Performances and Visuals:
Srikant delivers a commendable performance as the enigmatic Raghu, showcasing his versatility in both emotional and action-packed sequences. Priyanka Thimmesh impresses as the conflicted and fearful protagonist, while the supporting cast contributes solid performances.

“Forgotten Memories” is an intriguing effort by a talented team, featuring a captivating story and strong performances. While the retro aesthetic may not appeal to all viewers, its compelling plot and engaging characters make it a worthwhile watch for fans of suspenseful cinema.


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