As a little Kid, even before I knew what MUSIC was all about, this MAESTRO ISAIGNANI ILAYARAJA sir’s MUSIC cast a MAGICAL SPELL on me.
I grew up with his music always around me, even when I was studying for my Exams. So inseparable I was, I am and I will be, from his music.
Which instilled in me the strongest desire and determination to become a
And as I became a Music Composer, and when I built my STUDIO, I installed a HUGE PICTURE of ILAYARAJA SIR.
and my BIGGEST & a LIFETIME DREAM was that ILAYARAJA SIR should visit my
STUDIO one day and I should take a Photo with him standing next to the
And as the UNIVERSE always conspires to make our most Genuine Desires & Love come true,
Finally this DREAM of mine came TRUE, especially on the birthday of My GURU –
Sri Mandolin U Shrinivas Anna 2.
What more can I ask for! –
It was one of the Most Emotional moments of my LIFE.
Thank You my Dearest GOD of MUSIC, Isaignani ILAYARAJA SIR for bringing your divine presence into my STUDIO and blessing ME and my TEAM.
Thank You for always Inspiring & Teaching Us Sir..
Love U for Eternity Dearest RAJA SIR 2A
And on this occasion, I would love to thank each and every one The Directors, Producers, Actors and Music Labels who gave me opportunities to shine,
My Family, Friends and Team who always stood by me
and all the People who love my Music and put me on this High Pedestal always showering Enormous Love on ME and my MUSIC …
With Musical Love & Gratitude


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