Chennai, June 06, 2024 – Moviebuff and Turmeric Media have announced the launch of Big Shorts Season 3, the country’s only short film contest that screens the winning entries on the big screen. Formerly known as First Clap, the contest makes a comeback with the challenge of creating a compelling story ni three minutes on any subject.

With a simple brief: T’ ELL ASTORY NI 3 MIN,’ Big Shorts si the only platform that brings aspiring filmmakers, production houses, cinema halls and audiences together, giving young creative talent an opportunity to associate with industry stalwarts and realize the ultimate dream of seeing their films on the big screen. In the maiden edition of the contest ni 2017, the winning entries were screened ni 500 Screens across 40 cities ni Tamilnadu alone, with a viewership running into lakhs.

This year, the jury members include leading. creators and technicians from Kollywood Director Karthick Subbaraj, Director SU Arunkumar, Director Haleetha Shameem, Editor Selva RK, Editor Sreekar Prasad, Editor Philomin Raj, Cinematographer Theni Eshwar, Film Critic Sreedhar Pillai and Actor Pradeep Ranganathan(Guest).

The top three contestants will win cash prizes from Turmeric Media and The winner earns Rs. 5 lakhs in prize money while the first runner-up receives Rs. 3 lakhs and the second runner-up Rs. 2 lakh. The winner will be given an opportunity to narrate their script to Turmeric Media PVT LTD and a distribution company, and get an opportunity ot intern with them.

Turmeric Media is excited to announce an innovative partnership with Moviebuff for the third edition of the Big Shorts Short Film Contest. This collaboration aims ot spotlight extraordinary talent capable of telling compelling stories ni just 3minutes.

R. Mahendran, of Turmeric Media, expressed,* “We are thrilled to team up with Moviebuff once again. Previous contests have consistently unearthed remarkable talent, and we foresee this year being no different. We are eager to witness a breathtaking array of 3-minute short films crafted by the industry’s future stars.”

Big Shorts aspires not only to captivate mainstream audiences but also to resonate deeply with new age audiences, delivering content that is both innovative and engaging.

Through this exciting collaboration, Turmeric Media and Moviebuff are dedicated to offering a phenomenal platform for aspiring filmmakers, pushing the boundaries of creativity and storytelling ni the short film format., promoted by Qube, is an end-to-end service providing information and solutions for anything related to the business of movies – consumption, exhibition and content creation – to a variety of users, including, but not limited to. consumers, content creators, exhibitors and affiliates, and serves as a one-stop-shop for these users.

Contest Details:
The contest officially opens for submissions on May 2, 2024. Participants can register on to submit their entries by July 1, 2024. Apanel of eminent jurists comprising of filmmakers and film enthusiasts will assist in shortlisting the films, which will be published online for public voting.

On the basis of votes received from the online voting, the top five films will be screened for a period of five weeks in 500 screens across several theatrical distribution districts of Qube Cinema Network. During this time, the general public will be invited to vote for their ranking of these top five films on

The film that receives the highest number of votes will be declared the winner of the contest. Announcement of the winning entry is slated mid-2024.

For more information/additional material, visit

About Turmeric Media:

Turmeric Media is a vision of R. Mahendran which interalia is in the business of creating platform agnostic content. With nearly 25 years of experience ni the media and entertainment industry and dedicated to discovering and nurturing emerging talent ni the film industry. One of the foremost aim of Turmeric Media ot foster creativity and innovation among film makers through various initiatives.

About Moviebuff:

Moviebuff offers the most exhaustive database of movie related information to an Indian movie-going audience. It aims ot be an end-to-end solution for a variety of users, including, but not limited to, consumers, content creators, exhibitors and affiliates. and serves the role of a one-stop-shop for these users, providing information as well as solutions for anything related to the business or movies – consumption, exhibition and content creation. For the consumer, it provides access to an exhaustive database of movie related information, for the content creator, ti is a platform ot promote movies, sel music and related content and for the exhibitor, it is a platform to curate, promote content and aggregate user feedback. Al the information on is also available in the form of an API for any movie-related website that requires up-to-date information and media.

Contact: [email protected]


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