Plot Summary:*

“Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu” traces the journey of Anand (Ananth) and his friends from their school and college days to their struggles as adults. Anand falls in love with Kanamma (Bhavani Sre) and decides to start an event management company with his friends, naming it NOVP Events. Despite their best efforts, the company fails, leading the group to disband and pursue individual career opportunities.

Anand, still unable to secure a stable job, faces his own set of challenges. His father (Kumaravel), burdened with debt, mortgages their house to send Anand to Singapore. There, Anand lives in a men’s hostel while trying to develop his dream app and works as a waiter. His situation worsens when Kanamma becomes engaged to someone else, leaving him emotionally shattered.


“Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu” excels in portraying the emotional and practical struggles of youth dealing with career setbacks and the complexities of friendship. The film effectively captures the essence of youthful dreams, the significance of camaraderie, and the harsh realities of life.


  • Visual Appeal: The film boasts a visually engaging narrative, immersing viewers in the journey of Anand and his friends.
  • Emotional Depth: The portrayal of Anand’s struggles and the disintegration of his dreams is heartfelt and relatable.
  • Friendship Theme: The film highlights the importance of friendship and family bonds, adding emotional weight to the narrative.


  • Character Development: The roles of the female characters are underdeveloped, with minimal dialogue and impact on the storyline.
  • Pacing Issues: The film tends to drag in certain parts, with some scenes feeling unnecessarily prolonged.
  • Music: The background score can be overwhelming at times, detracting from the emotional scenes.


  • Ananth delivers a commendable performance as Anand, particularly in the emotional scenes of the second half.
  • Bhavani Sre shines as Kanamma but has limited screen time.
  • Mirchi Vijay‘s role is brief, and his potential is not fully explored.

Technical Aspects:

  • The film follows a familiar template with loud music and energetic sequences, typical of college-themed films.
  • The emotional depth is explored in the latter half, providing some balance to the film’s overall tone.

Short Verdict Quote:
“Nanban Oruvan Vandha Piragu” navigates the highs and lows of youthful dreams and friendships but struggles with pacing and character depth.


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