Actor Sakshi Agarwal began 2025 with a heartwarming milestone—marrying her childhood love, Navneet, on January 2nd at the breathtaking ITC Grand Goa. The couple’s wedding was a heartfelt celebration, bringing together love, tradition, and a lifetime of cherished memories.

Sakshi looked every bit the star in a custom red sari adorned with gold embroidery and paired with an intricately designed corset blouse. Her heritage gold jewelry completed the look, radiating elegance and timeless beauty. Navneet, her perfect counterpart, looked dapper in a tailored suit, adding a modern twist to the day’s traditional essence.

The celebrations continued into the evening, where Sakshi stunned in a pink lehenga paired with green Kundan jewelry, and Navneet donned a mint green sherwani, complementing her style flawlessly. The couple exchanged heartfelt vows, promising to build a future filled with love, dreams, and endless support.

Sharing her excitement, Sakshi said, “This day feels like a dream. Marrying Navneet, my best friend and soulmate, is the start of our forever story.” Navneet added, “Sakshi completes my life, and today marks the beginning of a lifetime of love.”

Fans can catch glimpses of the wedding on Sakshi’s Instagram account, @iamsakshiagarwal, as she embarks on this beautiful new journey with Navneet.


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