Actor Kamal Haasan, today (February 11, 2023), invited filmmaker Ganesh K Babu, director of the film Dada, along with crewmembers, and congratulated them on the film’s success. Since Ganesh K Babu and most of the technicians in this film have worked on several projects of Kamal Haasan’s RKFI and are considered the product of RKFI, the versatile actor wanted to meet and wish them on their new project. After watching the visual promos of the film, he appreciated the team’s effort in creating this movie. Actor Kamal Haasan has also expressed his desire of watching the film during his leisure time. Such heart-warming appreciation from the iconic emblem of Indian cinema has instilled more happiness among the crewmembers of Dada. Producer S Ambeth Kumar, director Ganesh K Babu, actor Kavin, and both the director and technical team were present.

Kavin-Aparna Das starrer “Dada” which had its worldwide theatrical release yesterday (February 10, 2023), has been coming across positive reviews.

The film is bankrolled by S Ambeth Kumar of Olympia Movies and is directed by Ganesh K Babu.


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