“Aval Peyar Rajni,” helmed by director Vinil Scariah Varghese, presents itself as a moderately engaging entertainer that traverses from a supernatural thriller to a crime drama. The narrative unfolds with a happy couple, Abhijith (Saiju Kurup) and Gowri (Namitha Pramod), facing a tragic incident on a desolate night after running out of fuel in their car.

The film effectively captures audience attention with a fresh and intriguing plot. Despite the clichéd motive revealed towards the end, Vinil Scariah Varghese deserves credit for sustaining curiosity and delivering a storyline with compelling developments.

As Gowri investigates her husband’s death, played convincingly by Namitha Pramod, her brother Naveen (Kalidas Jayaram) takes on the task alongside the police. The revelation that Abhijeet suspected being followed adds a layer of mystery to the narrative.

However, the film concludes with unresolved knots, leaving several questions unanswered, and the clichéd ending impacts the overall interest in the plot. Despite following the run-of-the-mill revenge thriller formula, lead actors, including Kalidas Jayaram, deliver commendable performances, elevating the film to a reasonably good entertainer.

RR Vishnu’s lighting and visuals contribute to the film’s classy elegance, while Deepu Joseph’s tight editing maintains a brisk pace, although the incomplete resolution may disappoint some viewers.

In conclusion, “Aval Peyar Rajni” stands as a decent entertainer with a social message, benefiting from its narrative presentation despite falling into familiar tropes. The film succeeds, to a large extent, in engaging the audience through its storytelling approach.


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