The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Science (RIMS) in Adilabad, Telangana, witnessed a disturbing incident as a group of house surgeons was allegedly attacked by a five-member gang, including an assistant professor, Dr Kranthi Kumar. The attack occurred after the interns questioned the unavailability of facilities, leading to an interaction with Director Dr Jaisingh Rathod, who is also implicated.

The assaulted house surgeons, including Dr Bharat, Dr P Naveen, Dr Kaviraj, Dr Abhishek, Dr Pasupuleti Naveen, and Dr Vijay, suffered injuries, with Dr Kaviraj sustaining a head injury, upper lip laceration, and chest injuries. The assailants, arriving in a white Hyundai Creta and a Royal Enfield Bullet, confronted the victims in front of the men’s hostel on the RIMS Adilabad campus.

The police have filed a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including causing hurt, criminal trespass, attempt to murder, and acts done in furtherance of common intention. Subsequently, students protested on the campus, demanding the termination of Dr Kumar and the transfer of the Director, citing a lack of security.

Dr Arun Voruganti, President of the RIMS Junior Doctors’ Association, revealed that house surgeons have boycotted duties, except emergency duties, and issued a warning of a complete duty boycott if their demands are not met by Saturday, 16 December.

This disturbing incident highlights tensions within the medical institution, prompting concerns about safety, facility availability, and the need for action against those responsible for the assault.


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