“Jigiri Dosthu,” starring Shariq Hassan, Aran Vetriselvakkumar, and VJ Ashiq, made its big-screen debut on December 22, offering a narrative departure from conventional buddy film expectations. The storyline follows three friends who become embroiled in a gripping plot when they witness a girl’s kidnapping during their Mahabalipuram getaway. To rescue her, they utilize Vicky’s unconventional Terrorist Tracker, a once-failed project.

While the film introduces technology as a pivotal element, it falls short of fully exploring the intricacies of 21st-century tech. Despite this, it attempts to navigate the realms of suspense and comedy, presenting a well-crafted narrative that weaves these elements together.

The trio of lead actors—Shariq Hassan, Aran Vetriselvakkumar, and VJ Ashiq—deliver praiseworthy performances, demonstrating seamless synergy and an effective complementation of energies.

The review notes a promising concept in “Jigiri Dosthu” but highlights a dissatisfaction stemming from a lack of thorough research, particularly in the technological aspects integral to the plot. The film misses an opportunity to delve deeper into the role of technology, a significant component of the storyline. While not reaching the pinnacle of cinematic brilliance, the film is not deemed half as bad. The final verdict suggests that “Jigiri Dosthu” might be a worthwhile watch for those seeking light-hearted, no-brains entertainment.


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