1. Indian Rice Production Fluctuations:
  • 1063 lakh metric tons produced in 2023, a 3.7% increase from 2022.
  • Climate change-induced floods in northern states and drought in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh contribute to fluctuations.
  1. Minimum Support Price (MSP) Increase:
  • Central government’s efforts to support farmers with annual MSP increases.
  • MSP for common and fine variety paddy raised in 2022 and further increased by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
  1. Impact of Global Events on Rice Exports:
  • Ukraine-Russia war increases demand for Indian rice varieties in the US and Europe.
  • Central government bans export of certain high-quality rice varieties, leading to a slight price rise.
  1. Electricity Tariff Hike Concerns:
  • Tamil Nadu Electricity Board raises tariffs for LT and HT industries, affecting rice mills.
  • Appeal to the Chief Minister to reconsider increased tariffs for rice mills to ensure consistent rice supply.
  1. GST Taxation on Rice:
  • 5% GST imposed on rice, further revised for pre-packed and pre-labeled bags.
  • Urgent appeal to the Hon’ble Prime Minister to reconsider and remove the 5% GST on rice, considering it as an essential food item.

Secretary’s Appeal:
Dr. Acmohan urges prompt action on electricity tariffs and GST taxation for the benefit of rice producers and consumers alike.


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