“Take It Easy” is a children’s film written and directed by Sunil Prem Vyas, which delivers powerful messages to parents about the importance of allowing their children to pursue their own dreams and aspirations, rather than imposing their own onto them. Set against the backdrop of bustling metros, the story revolves around two 10-12-year-old kids who, despite being close, drift apart due to competitiveness and jealousy. However, emotions ultimately bring them back together.

The film highlights the prevalent attitude among parents in planning their children’s futures and coercing them into following a predetermined path, often overlooking their children’s own desires and capabilities. This pressure leads children to lose their sense of direction and fail to realize both their parents’ dreams and their own. Ultimately, the film advocates for parents to understand their children’s aspirations and provide them with the freedom to pursue their own dreams.


  • Cast: Vikram Gokhale, Raj Zutshi, Supriya Karnik, Dipannita Sharma, Anang Desai
  • Written and Directed by: Sunil Prem Vyas
  • Release: Hansa Pictures

“Take It Easy” is a poignant exploration of the dynamics between parents and children, shedding light on the consequences of imposing parental aspirations onto the younger generation. Sunil Prem Vyas’s direction adeptly captures the complexities of familial relationships, while the talented cast delivers compelling performances, particularly Vikram Gokhale, Raj Zutshi, and Supriya Karnik.

The screenplay effectively portrays the struggles faced by children torn between parental expectations and personal ambitions, offering valuable insights into the importance of fostering open communication and understanding within families. Additionally, the film’s thematic depth is complemented by its relatable setting in bustling metros, providing a backdrop that resonates with audiences of all ages.

Overall, “Take It Easy” is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film that encourages introspection among viewers, making it a must-watch for both parents and children alike.


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