Set in the dystopian 2040s, “Gaganachari” follows Victor, a recluse living on an island, who becomes the focus of a documentary by a group of youngsters. Victor is renowned for his encounter with a monstrous alien, termed Gaganachari. The arrival of Sumalatha, an alien, disrupts their isolated existence, especially affecting Allen, who finds an unexpected connection with her amidst societal fear and government surveillance.

“Gaganachari” is a bold exploration into a futuristic world marred by alien encounters and socio-political tensions. Directed by Arun Chandu, the film delves into themes of isolation, human connection, and societal satire. The narrative unfolds with minimalistic settings and a dark, subdued ambiance, effectively portraying the bleak future envisioned by the filmmakers.

Performance and Direction:
Aju Varghese, Anarkali Marikar, and Gokul Suresh deliver standout performances, with Marikar’s portrayal of the enigmatic alien leaving a haunting impression. Director Arun Chandu’s vision is evident in the film’s unique blend of comedy and dystopian elements, supported by Surjith S Pai’s cinematography and Sankar Sharma’s music, which enhance the film’s atmospheric quality.

“Gaganachari” is a commendable experiment that challenges conventional storytelling with its futuristic backdrop and satirical humor. While the film may take time to acclimate viewers to its stark visual style, its narrative depth and impactful performances make it a thought-provoking watch.

Short Verdict Quote:
“A bold fusion of dystopian satire and alien encounters, ‘Gaganachari’ captivates with its dark humor and compelling performances.”


  • Bold exploration of a dystopian future.
  • Stellar performances and haunting portrayal of the alien.
  • Thought-provoking satire on societal fears and human connections.

Overall, “Gaganachari” stands out as a unique cinematic experience, blending genres to deliver a poignant commentary on contemporary issues through a futuristic lens.


Pan India Release by Gemini Film Circuit


Aju Varghese
Anarkali Marikar
Gokul Suresh
Ganesh Kumar

Directed by Arun Chandu
Produced by Ajith Vinayaka Films
Executive Producer : Krishand
Written by Arun Chandu – Siva Sai
Cinematography by Surjith S Pai
Music by Sankar Sharma
Edited by Ceejay Achu
VFX : Meraki
Co-Edited by Aravind Manmadhan
Sound Design : Sankaran AS, KC Sidharthan
Sound Mix: Vishnu Sujathan
Subtitles : Vivek Ranjith (BreakBorders)
Production Controller : Sajeev Chandiroor
Lyrics : Manu Manjith, Rahul Menon (English rap)
Art Director : M Bawa
Costumes : Bucy Baby John
Makeup : Ronex Xaviour


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