This news release is available in Tamil here:

Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu – For forcing animals to perform without a performing animals registration certificate (PARC), and for violating the Wildlife Protection Act 1972, the Cuddalore District Police and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India representatives raided the Karur Latha Circus stationed at Iruppu, Neyveli on Friday, resulting in the seizure and rescue of a camel, pony, three dogs, a baby monkey, and a goat. A first information report (FIR) was also registered against the proprietor by Oomangalam police station. The police and forest authorities were notified of the animals’ use by PETA India which has been monitoring the circus’ illegal activities. The animals have been shifted to permanent, safe places equipped to allow them to recover from their ordeal with the circus.

The FIR was registered at the Oomangalam police station, Cuddalore, under sections 11(1)(a), 11(1)(b), 11(1)(f), 11(1)(g), 11(1)(h), 26(a), and 38(3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, for inflicting cruelty on animals and forcing animals to perform unregistered tricks. The provisions invoked in the FIR also include section 429 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, for maiming and rendering the dogs, camel and pony useless by causing them to suffer injuries because of cruel treatment, not treating the injuries and using them for performance despite being in failing health. The FIR also includes Section 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA), 1972 for holding a scheduled wild animal in possession illegally, in violation of Section 39 of the Act. Monkey (bonnet macaque) are protected under Schedule I of the WPA, 1972 (as amended by the Wildlife Protection (Amendment) Act, 2022).

Photographs of the seizure can be found here:

“Today, children are increasingly aware that the use of animals in circuses involves cruelty and are choosing other forms of entertainment. If circuses want to remain relevant in 2023, they will modernize and go animal-free, using only willing, adult human performers,” says PETA India Manager of Cruelty Response Projects, Meet Ashar. “PETA India commends Cuddalore District Police for their quick action in rescuing animals from Karur Latha Circus.”

The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) is the prescribed authority under The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act, 1960, and regulates the use of animals for performances in the country. The Karur Latha Circus had not registered the animals themselves nor the animal acts with the AWBI, and the use of monkeys for performances has been illegal in India since 1998.

Several AWBI inspections and numerous investigations by PETA India prove that all animal circuses are cruel. Animals even in circuses with valid PARCs have been found continuously chained or confined to small, barren cages when not used for performances. Animals in circuses throughout the country are deprived of adequate veterinary care and food, water, and shelter and often forced to perform tricks through punishment. Many animals in circuses display stereotypic, repetitive behaviour indicative of extreme stress.

PETA India – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Meet Ashar 7045922028; [email protected]
Hiraj Laljani 9619167382; [email protected]


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