A director’s favourite, actor Harish Kalyan has been making a lot of headlines for his highly anticipated action drama. Titled ‘Diesel’, the film is directed by Shanmugam Muthusamy and stars Harish Kalyan in the lead opposite Athulyaa Ravi. Getting showered with immense love on his birthday today from fans and loved ones, the actor has today given a special gift to cinelovers. A new poster of Harish Kalyan from the film has been dropped on social media today.

Looking all things intriguing and intense in the poster, Harish can be seen flaunting his chiseled physique while holding a fuel dispenser in his hand. Sharing the poster on Instagram, makers wrote, “ “

Revolving around a never seen before plot of an oil mafia, major portions of ‘Diesel’ have been shot in different locations of North Chennai. Produced by Third Eye Entertainment, ‘Diesel’ has cinematography by MS Prabhu, music by Dhibu Ninan Thomas alongwith San Lokesh serving as the Editor. Directed by Shanmugam Muthusamy, production by sp cinemas the Tamil action drama is slated for December 2023 release.

Meanwhile, here’s wishing Man of The Moment Harish Kalyan a very happy birthday.


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