Laandhar follows ACP Aravindh’s quest to capture a mysterious individual wreaking havoc in town, portrayed as a psycho with a hood and a limp. The story explores Aravindh’s challenges in solving this case and unraveling the identity and motives of the assailant.

Directed by Saji Saleem, Laandhar attempts to delve into police procedural territory but falls short due to unrealistic portrayals and plot inconsistencies. The narrative suffers from several lapses in depicting police operations realistically, undermining the credibility of its thriller premise.

Despite these flaws, the film momentarily recaptures interest with a poignant flashback involving Nakul and Manju, providing glimpses into Manju’s troubled childhood. Vidaarth delivers a convincing performance as ACP Aravindh, but even his efforts are hindered by the weak storyline and character developments.

Laandhar is a poorly crafted cop story that fails to engage due to its artificial plot and exaggerated characters. It struggles to maintain a serious tone, occasionally lapsing into unintentional humor.

Rating: 2/5 – “A missed opportunity in police procedural storytelling, marred by unrealistic portrayals and inconsistent plot developments.”

This review encapsulates the film’s narrative strengths and weaknesses while providing a succinct verdict for potential viewers.


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