An Adult Comedy That Fails To Impress

Plot: Navigating Freedom and Parental Expectations

The narrative of Chiclets unfolds around three young girls transitioning from school to college – Riya (Nayan Karishma), Anusha (Amrita Halder), and Ambi (Manjeera). Their parents, each harboring distinct hopes, contribute to the dynamic plot. Riya’s widowed mom aspires for her to become a doctor, Ambi hails from an orthodox family with governmental aspirations, and Anusha’s business family expects unwavering loyalty.

Exploring Changing Perspectives

Director Muthu M endeavors to spotlight evolving societal norms regarding love and sexual orientation. Chiclets attempts to convey a shift from traditional values, tackling subjects like premarital sex and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. It aims to portray a society more willing to embrace individuality.

Critique: A Missed Mark in Presentation

While Chiclets addresses pertinent societal shifts, its execution falls short. Some sequences delve into sleaziness, and certain double entendres may alienate segments of the audience. The film’s core messages are overshadowed by its controversial approach, impacting the potential resonance of its intended themes.

Performances: Shining Stars Amidst Challenges

Nayan Karishma delivers an impressive portrayal of Riya, showcasing depth in character. Surekha Vani, portraying Riya’s mother, and Sriman, as a father figure, contribute equally commendable performances. The late Mano Bala’s cameo adds a memorable touch to the film, particularly in his role as a pharmacist.

Short Verdict:

Chiclets attempts to tackle societal shifts but falters in execution, veering into controversial territory. While performances shine, the film struggles to strike a balance, making it a miss for many.

Note: Viewer discretion advised due to explicit content and potentially offensive dialogues.


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