Plot Summary:

“Vaazhai” follows Sivanaindhan (Ponvel), a bright student in a village near Tirunelveli, who is burdened by his family’s financial struggles. Despite his love for school and friendship with Raghul (Sekar), he works in banana fields to help pay off his late father’s debt. His mother’s insistence on teaching him responsibility adds to his challenges. The film explores his interactions with his kind teacher Poonkozhi (Nikhila Vimal), his caring sister, and Kani (Kalaiyarasan), a labor rights advocate.


The film offers a touching portrayal of a young boy’s life, blending picturesque visuals with emotional depth. Ponvel’s performance is outstanding, supported by strong performances from Sekar, Dhivya Duraisamy, and Nikhila Vimal. Santhosh Narayanan’s music and Theni Eswar’s cinematography enhance the film’s impact.


“Vaazhai” is a heartwarming and well-crafted film that balances harsh realities with joyful moments, featuring exceptional performances and technical execution.

Vaazhai Cast & Crew Details


Ponvel as Sivanaindhaan

Raghul as Sekar

Janaki as Sivanaindhaan’s Mother

Dhivya Duraisamy as Vembu

Kalaiyarasan as Kani

Nikhila Vimal as Poongodi

Padhman as Broker

J. Sathish Kumar as Trader


Director: Mari Selvaraj

Banner : Disney+ Hotstar, Navvi Studios, Farmer’s Master Plan Production

Release by Red Giant Movies

Music Director: Santhosh Narayanan

Lyricist: Yugabharathi, Vivek, Mari Selvaraj

Produced by Divya Mari Selvaraj, Mari Selvaraj

DOP : Theni Eswar

Art Director: Kumar Gangappan

Editor : Suriya Pradhaman

Action Choreography : Dhilip Subbarayan

Dance Choreography : Sandy

Audiography: Suren

Sound Designer : Suren.G, Alagiyakoothan.S

Costume Designer : Shri Swarna

Costumer : T.Ravi

Makeup : R.Ganapathy

Stills : JayakumarVairavan

Publicity Designer: Kabilan

VFX : Harihara Sudhan

DI Colourist : Prasad Somasekar

DI Line Producer: ML Vijayakumar

PRO : Sathish (AIM)

Executive Producer : Venkat Arumugam


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